Bodega Finca La Estacada and to have pots and wines in Cuenca.


Bodega Finca La Estacada


Finca La Estacada will have always a place in our hearts. It was the second winery that we visited in our Winebus project since we began in January 2012.

Bodega Finca La Estacada, understands better than anybody what wine tourism means in 2014. In fact they have made a huge investment on this sense. They have besides the winery a restaurant, a hotel, a Spa and even paddle courts.

This winery is the real proof that in Castilla La Mancha and in Uclés (its denomination of origin) good wines can be made. This winery belongs to Ucles DO, very close to Tarancón, Cuenca.

It has several details that you will not find in any other winery of Castilla La Mancha and I am convinced they will be the subject of debate for those who join us.

There we will drink two of their wines.

To visit this winery help us doing half the way to arrive to Cuenca which is only 45 minutes car drive.

It is a real pleasure to visit this town any time but it is much more attractive if we do it  during the celebration of Ruta de El Puchero (The pot tour). La Ruta del El Puchero consists on 40 establishments on the capital that have agreed  to provide to their customers  a dish in a pot at affordable prices. Initiatives such as the the Pot Tour shows that this is a very lively city that tries to please, surprise and entertain its visitors.

So this time, instead of tapas and wines we will have pots and wines. What do they serve with the pot? Well, everything you can have with a spoon  original from the area.

After having had a good portion of pots and wines we will make a guided visit to Cuenca.

If you do not know Cuenca yet you are not going ever to forget you are going to feel and see. If you have already been you know what we are talking about, and I am sure you will want to join us.

Y después de ponernos buenos a base de pucheros y vinos realizaremos una visita guiada de Cuenca.

This is the Program:

10,45 h Depart from Madrid (Hotel Claridge Cafetería, Plaza del Conde de Casal)

12 h Arrival to Bodega Finca La Estacada, Tasting of 2 of their wines.

13,45 h End of the visit to the Winery. We move to Cuenca.

14,45 h Pots and wines in Cuenca (Addictional and optional cost 20 euros per person).

16,30 h Guidad visit to the town of Cuenca.

17,54 h Sunset.

18,30 h End of the guided visit to Cuenca, Depart to Madrid.

20,15 h Arrival to Madrid. (Hotel Claridge Cafetería, Plaza del Conde de Casal)

