Visiting castles in Spain with a glass of wine
Castles in spain

One of the reasons for coming for holidays to Spain. Castles in Spain.

There are two regions that are called Castilla, Castilla y León and Castilla La Mancha. Castilla means castillo, means castle. There are plenty of castles in Spain and around Madrid.

We try to visit some of them. I love history. We are in a place where the stones are talking. Spain has a very rich medieval patrimony and history, completely different from the one that there can be in the rest of Europe.

We haven´t too many earthquakes and when we had our wars we did not have strong guns that could demolish the monuments. That is why we have a splendid patrimony kept in many cases in very good condition

We are in the south of Europe and closed to Africa, We lived a different experience in our past. Maybe something in common with the Roman influence when they invaded us.

But completely different in medieval. Arabs entered Spain in 711. They conquered nearly the whole land in 7 years. And it took seven hundred years to reconquer the land. We were lucky that when the Arabs were in here they were living in a more sophisticated society than the Christians. If you come to the north of Madrid you will find Castilian castles that reflect the austerity of the Castilians, the cold that is in winter in this area.

You will see very strong and solid castles with a lot of character…

Most famous castles in Spain

There are many ,more Spanish castles. But among them: 

  1. Alcazar of Segovia 
  2. Bellver Csstle
  3. Belmonte Castle
  4. Calatrava Castle, Ciudad Real
  5. Castle of Coca, Segovia
  6. Guzman el Bueno Castle, Cádiz 
  7. Jadraque Castle, Guadalajara
  8. La Mota Castle, Valladolid
  9. Loarre Castle, Huesca.
  10. Penafiel Castle. Valladolid.
  11. Paralada Castle. Gerona. 
  12. Sigüenza Castle. Guadalajara. 
  13. Trujillo castle, Trujillo
  14. Santa maría de Guadalupe, Cáceres.
  15. Palace of the kings of Navarre

Castles in Spain are improving our wine experience. Wine improves the experience of visiting castles.

The one you see in the picture was built to make an imaginary line to prevent a potential reconquest from the Arabs.

When we do our wine tours we visit those places. We want to think that all we see you can feel it inside the glass you are tasting. Thinking that way makes you have a greater experience.


Written by

Ignacio Segovia

Ceo of