A Ribera del Duero wine and a steak. What a pairing!
steak and wine

Ribera del Duero raises the spirits of our visitors.

Ribera del Duero is not only wine.

In one of our regular tours to Ribera del Duero we offer the visit of 2/3 wineries, but our tours not only show the wine and the best wineries of Ribera.

What we do, in addition to visiting those dreamy wineries and those wines that are so famous in the whole world. Is to go to restaurants where they give a succulent meal.

When we started to do our tours, we were going for lunch to places where they gave us some good tapas. They would give us a fast service that allowed us to do many other things on the rest of the day. We were following our heart. Our heart asked us for an adventure in which to fill multiple experiences in one. It is what we called the spirit of Indiana Jones.

But we are aware of what our clients are looking for and we have realized that a good meal with good wine raises the spirits of our visitors.

You have to feel it. Ribera del Duero wine tour from Madrid

We do not renounce that spirit of Indiana Jones I was mentioning. We simply have lunch in places where they give us a fabulous meal. And that the service is fast enough to be able to do many things before and after the meal.

It also happens a very curious thing, and is the fact of being at a table a group looking at our faces makes the experience much more complete. Because, of course, wine is social, but in Spain lunch is as social as wine.

This picture is a good example. Look at the piece of chop that we had in one of the last trips and best wineries to visit in a Ribera del Duero wine tour. Is it better to eat that steak than to drink wines? It is not better. It is better to have both experiences as we do. The detail of coming with a scale to weight the steak adds charm to the rite of eating this delicacy.


This is all

That’s how we eat in the Winebus. After having visited very good wineries, enjoy that way like in Ribera del Duero wine tours.

Come with us and see how good it feels. But do not forget that Everything is more beautiful with a glass of wine in your hand.


Written by

Ignacio Segovia

CEO of Winebus.es