Lechazo in Ribera del Duero. Ribera is not only wine.
ribera del Duero is not only wine it is lunch and friends

Lechazo in Ribera del Duero. Ribera is not only wine

When we begun to our Madrid wine tours we were trying to do many things on the day. One of the things we were not paying enough importance was to have a beautiful lunch.

We considered that if we were in a wine tour the important thing was just to drinking good wines in nice wineries. We also did complementary activities that were very appealing.

But we realized, tour by tour, as times was passing, that having a very nice lunch could also be a very good complement to our activities. Doing so we were spending more time than having some tapas but the experience was much more complete and delightful.

We have found that in a wine tour the best thing you can do is to also have a beautiful lunch.

One of the attractive of coming to Spain is its gastronomy. If you do not get through gastronomy you do not understand what this country is about.

Drinking wine is social but having lunch with other is also as social.

A Madrid wine experience

What happens in lunch, in Castilla y León, at the end of a good lunch and if you have enough room they offer you desserts similar to the one you can see on the picture. I would say that the picture does not show how appealing the desserts are, and maybe the picture would be more expressive if I was focusing on the reaction of the poeple seated in our table when desserts come.

It is quite usual also on this región that they offer you some digestives with no charge. The word digestive is very descriptive and nice because it  means that you are drinking it, not only for your pleasure but mainly for your health. And this is important for two reasons: 1) You do not have to drive so you can drink, 2) It is good for your health (that is what they say), so you do not feel guilty for drinking it. You can not deny to something free that is going to be good for your health.

If you are in Madrid, the best thing you can do is going to the countryside, to the north or to the south and enjoy the experience we are talking about.

Come with us!!


Written by

Ignacio Segovia

CEO of Winebus.es