Wine tours from Madrid with history

Tours with story

I am a lucky man. I’ve always liked history. I remember since I was a kid reading until my eyes closed on the tired bed. And yet I read more pages. I woke up the next morning with a book in my chest.

I have also been lucky that the world of wine crossed my life and discovered in the world of wine some fascinating stories. And I discover that there is not another sector more attractive for me than this one.

I am also a movie lover. And when I look in the mirror trying to understand where I come from I understand that I love cinema because I love well told stories. The cinema is specialized in this to such an extent that they have invented the Hollywood Oscars to reward the best stories. But the world of cinema has one drawback and that is that most of the stories they tell are invented by a screenwriter. And the actors pretend to live situations that are fictitious.


The world of wine

Faced with this I find the world of wine in which all wines worth their salt need a beautiful story that hooks you with that wine. In the world of wine the authenticity of the stories is valued. People who speak passionately about their wines and who mainly speak from their hearts are valued. We are lucky in this sector to be able to hear those stories with a glass of wine in hand on many occasions. Reviewing all this I realize that being a movie lover the wine sector is much much better.

I love history. Reading history is like trying to compose a puzzle of a million pieces. One goes picking up bits and pieces of the story and every day that goes by one picks up pieces that fit little by little.

I have an additional luck. In my travels I meet people who, knowing a lot or a little about wine, are eager to know much more about wine and many other things.

I respect my own country infinitely more since I show it to people who visit it for the first time or do not know it in an important way.

That little knowledge and finding true wonders make that people enjoy with their 5 senses.  I have learned that people do not get old if they still have a child inside them to be surprised and moved by things they have not seen before.

You get older when you’re back from everything, when nothing surprises you anymore. I am lucky to feel how David Copperfield feels when he does his tricks.


The spectacular of our tours

Our tours were for Spaniards at first and those Spaniards who came to our tours had a really good time. Currently, there are more foreigners who come to our tours. That emotion that our foreign visitors transmit us, I do not change it for anything. It has made me respect and value much more my own country. With that I’m not talking about the Spaniards not getting excited about anything. They get emotionally excited when they go to cultures far from theirs, when they see the Chinese wall, when they visit the Colorado Canyon, when they see the paper houses in Japan, when they see those wonderful islands in Polynesia.

I have learned with foreigners who visit us that we have a surprising country. That we have a spectacular culture. That this country is spectacular and that everyone who comes is amazed That is probably our greatest strength and also our greatest weakness.

This country has been invaded by the north, by the south in repeated occasions and of all those invasions they have left in Spain an extraordinary deposit that is seen in our monuments, our culture, our music, our gastronomy, our art.

We have so much to show that it would be a crime to focus on only wine, having many other things to live. But we have very clear that our activity is a wine tour so the first visit is always a winery. After we try to accompany the wine wherever we go. Because we are convinced that everything is much more beautiful with a glass of wine in hand.


Our past, in story

The place where we are geographically conditions what we are because we suck from all the cultures that have been around here.

Here were the Romans and they left us their language, the Latin from which Spanish comes and many monuments. Here were the Visigoths and later the Arabs at a time when their culture was much more sophisticated than the Christian one.

From that relation with the Arabs and subsequent change of borders every now and then have left Spain full of castles with exciting stories.

Wine is always present in our wine tours but we do not ignore everything else because we think that everything else we see in our trips is inside our wines. For that reason when we visit wineries we ask you to tell us beautiful stories.

And when we visit or do other activities we try to have a glass of wine in our hands. And we deeply believe that everything is more beautiful with a glass of wine in your hand.

See our Madrid wine tours

Written by

Ignacio Segovia

Ceo of

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