3 Wine Day Trips from Madrid for wine lovers
days trips from Madrid

If you are a wine lover visiting Madrid  we propose to consider to book for 3 Wine Day Trips from Madrid

We are having an extraordinary experience with the people who come to our tours.

We are lucky that we love to visit wineries and taste good wines during our visits to them. And we are even luckier to find that our visitors love these kinds of plans too.

Do you want to come on our wine day trips from Madrid?

Book your visit

Those people who come to Madrid probably looking for what they do not find in their own country or that they find partially.

I consider that each country offers different things. And it is very good to be clear about what you are looking for when you are traveling in a specific country.

There is a curious mixture that comes from our origins. A wonderful history, with an exciting Roman and Medieval period.

Madrid Day Trip

We have a wonderful Roman and Medieval History

The Phoenicians visited us and brought us the culture of wine, the Carthaginians invaded us and we began to have a relationship with the peoples of Africa. The Romans conquered the Iberian Peninsula. They stayed there for more than 300 years- They left us their culture, their language, and many, many monuments. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Visigoths and Arabs were there. We are in the early middle ages. Their continuous struggles left us with a medieval history that possibly does not exist anywhere else in the world.

Then the dark ages began to end.

And it so happened that we were in Western Europe, more precisely in Southern Europe. Having Portugal as neighbors, a small country, perhaps a little intimidated by the growth of Castilla. This pushed this country, taking advantage of the knowledge that expanded like never before with the appearance of the printing press with Gutenberg and with the revolution in the use of sails to navigate given the opportunity to the two southernmost countries in Europe, first Portugal, going south, towards Africa.

Our 16th century is amazing

Europe was already aware, since the times of Marco Polo, of what it wanted from China and India, but with the disappearance of the Silk Road, they put the Portuguese on the egg to circumnavigate Africa, reaching the Cape of Good Hope and get to India and China.

In Spain, the wedding of two huge characters Isabel and Fernando coincided, who together made a formidable team. It was they who ended the presence of the Arabs in Spain.

They were crossed by Columbus, who gave them the opportunity to try to reach China by an alternative route to that of the Portuguese. And Columbus, instead of reaching China, he found America. This changed the world.

Portugal and Spain became the two most important empires in the world. At that time the middle ages ended.

3 days trip from Madrid

Madrid became the Capital of the Spanish Empire by Philip the second decision.

Felipe II decided that the capital of the Spanish empire was Madrid. This decision caused cities with tremendous importance in the Middle Ages to stay hooked on their history, and lose political and economic power.

In Spain, we do not have almost earthquakes. We had many wars with our neighbors and also local wars but since we did not have weapons of mass destruction, this country has become a huge museum of live history. Madrid is surrounded by several Unesco world heritage sites.

Since the 16th, 17th century we have not been a great economic or political power. But all the avatars made Spain, a unique country that no one with any concern should stop visiting.

That’s what we talk about on our tours, because our tours, being wine tours, are actually history tours with a glass of wine in hand. A combination of wine and history. We are lucky that we are among the best wine producers in the world and the regions of Spain where they are produced maintain all of the above almost entirely.

All these elements make our visitors enjoy our tours with all five senses. And it is that behind our wines and our wineries there are formidable stories that make the tasting an unforgettable experience if you listen to their stories beforehand.

Madrid day trip

Madrid is wonderful. But if you are looking for something authentic come with us to the countryside.

Madrid is wonderful. I was born in Madrid and I recommend that you come here and visit us, but there is something I highly ask you. Don’t just stay in the big city, even if you don’t like wine. If you are a wine lover not coming would be an unforgivable mistake.

We offer day tours from Madrid going north (Ribera del Duero, Rueda, Cigales, Toro or south (The land of Don Quixote).

After completion, we perceive our visitors as having been scared but that one day they fall short. For this reason, this post allows me to offer you tours of more than one day, in which one can spend a day in Ribera, another in Rueda and a third in La Mancha.

Some, on the go, realize how much they have enjoyed and hire other day tours, but many others do not do it from the start because they have decided to take advantage of the days in Spain and Madrid in another way.

We suggest that you do not come with us for a single day but 2, 3, or even 4 days.

Because Madrid is wonderful but has many elements similar to those that can be found in other large cities such as Burger Kings and McDonald’s. Life on the outskirts of large cities is completely different from that of Madrid or Barcelona and if at the same time you have the opportunity to visit medieval cities, learn about its history, its gastronomy.

A good option if you are coming to Spain.

If you are wine lover this is your option. If you simply like wine or have already done some other wine tour in some other part of the world, you already know more or less what you are going to find-

We think that everything is much more beautiful with a glass of wine in the hand. Not only is what you are going to see or live more beautiful. But the people who opt for an experience of these characteristics.

We have verified that lovers of this type of activity are of a special paste. We adore these kinds of people. And people say they enjoy our proposals. We are lucky people. We love making others happy with what we do.

Our wine tours also look for beautiful views to enjoy with a glass of wine in hand.

Get in touch with us and let us make a tailor-made tour for you for a day, two, 3, 4 or whatever.

You decide which is the tour you want to make.


Those are our wine day trips from Madrid

Madrid day tours

If you want a private tour get in contact with us by email to info@winebus.es

We can also make a tailor-made wine tour starting using the high speed train.

This post was written by

Ignacio Segovia

CEO of Winebus