Lunch is social in Ribera del Duero
Lunch is social of Ribera del Duero with a glass of wine

Lunch in Ribera del Duero is much more than 2 dishes and a dessert.

A good lunch in Ribera del Duero ends with a digestive made with the skins of the grapes that are bought to the wineries. This digestive, in some restaurants, is a gift. So they do not charge you for your consumption. This small detail makes lunches in Ribera del Duero even better. Cheers to my friends!

When you visit a winery, they tell you many things about the process. One of the questions that appear almost always is … what do they do with the skins of the grapes? We say that the manufacturers of spirits buy it and produce with them many different types of products as grappa. They come to the wineries to take the skins and they sell their ended product in restaurants or in the region.

What do you expect to have when you go to a restaurant during the holidays? I think you are looking for a good facility with good food, good service, good decoration, a good story if possible and small details that make a pleasant overall experience.


How much time you want to spend in a restaurant? A Madrid wine experience.

Some of our clients in our wine tours are American. They are quite surprised for many reasons when they go to a restaurant in Spain. First: Time that locals have lunch and dinner much later than in the United States. Another thing is how lunch or dinner can be an spectacular event for our beautiful gastronomy and our social approach. When you go to a good restaurant in Spain and you are on holidays you are living just the opposite to have lunch in 15 minutes while still working with your computer.

In Spain, in large cities, the trend is to have lunch as quickly as possible. On a working day you are looking in lunch just to be fed to stand up until dinner. So, we do not enjoy food much on that time.

In Ribera del Duero, the restaurants we visit, the rest of the clients do not intend to do an activity other than having  lunch. Lunch is social.

In our case, in our wine tours we go to restaurants to enjoy a good lunch with specialties of the region such as roasted lamb, suckling pig or morcilla, but do not spend a lot on it to do many other activities before and after lunch.

Lunch for the rest of the customers that surround us could be the protagonist of the activity.

In our case, it is just one more ingredient to have an unforgettable day.


Written by

Ignacio Segovia

CEO of