Bodegas Chinchon. An amazing town 25 miles from Madrid.
Bodegas Chinchon

Bodegas Chinchón. That is the best option. If you are in Madrid, come to Chinchon to have a wine.

Chinchon is a city very, very closed city to Madrid, with an impresive wine tradition.

Chinchon has many attractions. One of them is that its main square is one of the most attractive squares in the whole Spain.

The Main Square (Plaza Mayor) as it happens in many other squares in Spain gets converted into a bullfighting arena sometimes in the year. In fact, if you go there at this time you will see that it remains as a bullfighting Arena until September.

There seems to be a debate about whether such a beautiful square is as nice or not when it becomes a bullring. I personally believe that this is part of the charm of this square, wonderful at any time of the year and perhaps in an area of ​​Madrid not as visited as the north of Madrid.

The National 1 or National 6 roads área are more popular to be visited. And if you are thinking of going to the beach. (Remember that in Madid we have no playa and that we are mad about going often to see and enjoy the sea) (National 3, Valencia / Alicante) (Andalusia Nacional 6)

Any place we go we are trying to listen and tell the history of the places we visit. The history of Chinchon is a beautiful one

The other part of Madrid to be visited.

I do not understand why this city is not more popular. A city so close to Madrid with so much personality is hard to find. Perhaps its relatively narrow winding road influences when we are now used to drive in wide and two lanes roads most of the time.

The people of Madrid older than 35 do know about this town but perhaps the new generations have not just learned that this authentic jewel exists. Why is this so? With such good communications, we have now may be the younger have much more options than we had in the past.

I went to dinner a few days ago being concerned that I would have trouble having a table but it was not too crowded. Perhaps the return with the car to the big city at night demotivated many.

Plaza Mayor and also a bullfighting ring a couple of months a year.

And precisely now the bullfighting thing is mounted and shows clearly why the square has the shape it has. Its shape is not regular and has wonderful balconies. Those balconies are so narrow that I am sure they can only hire chubby waiters in order to be efficient in such narrow balconies.

The square has a special charm and the stands of the bullfighting arena have only 3 rows so, the balconies of the restaurants are part of the audience when there is a bullfighting event. Assisting to a bullfighting event from thetre must be something unforgettable. And just to dinner is an amazing experience. You have to be careful who you go with, because the square is so romantic that maybe you declare someone influenced by the environment and the next day you have already regretted it.

There are also other restaurants outside of the square that is outstanding with underground caves with huge wine clay containers, made centuries ago for keeping the wine.

Chinchon. Ideal on summer nights, and on sunny winter days (even cold days).

All this to say that a summer night like the one we lived is unbeatable, but if you go on a sunny day in winter with a good coat you feel you will stand there forever. But when the sun disappears and the shadow comes you wish to leave in just 5 minutes.

It does not matter if you are a cat (madrileño who all grandparents have also been born in Madrid), or if you are a Madrid adoption or even if you are a foreigner, a visit there is absolutely necessary.

There is a house of the 1600s that is a joy to visit because one can understand with all the utensils that are exposed there how life was 4 centuries ago and up to 1960.

The road to get there is very winding and that is part of its charm.

Do not miss it. Come at least once.

And if you see it at night you may want to stay forever.

If you want us to bring you there please let us know. Contact us

Wine making in clay containers.

In this city, there is a lot of tradition of making wine in clay pots. Making wine with clay pots was the tradition of the area. Doing it now means being a romantic. A couple of wineries very close show you how they do it. For them, it means a much greater effort because it is much easier to make wine with new facilities.

In addition, there are no longer manufacturers of vessels of that size in clay. And if one of those vessels is broken, forget about replacing them because today, in 2019 nobody has the knowledge to repair it.

With all this, I think you will have wanted to visit Chinchón, and what better option than with Winebus and a glass of wine in your hand.

Come with us to live one of our madrid wine tour. Come with us to live a madrid wine experience.


Written by

Ignacio Segovia

Ceo of Winebus

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