The Segovia Cathedral. Ascent to the Bell Tower.
Segovia cathedral

The Segovia Cathedral. The Cathedral Tower. The secret gem of Segovia.

The bell tower of the cathedral of Segovia.

When you visit Segovia, do not miss visiting the Segovia cathedral. This Roman Catholic cathedral located in the Plaza Mayor, is gothic style. It was designed by Juan Gil de Hontañón and Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón. 

But in the city of Segovia, there is also the Roman Aqueduct, two thousand years old.

And the Alcazar of Segovia, so important in the history of Spain and the life of Isabel la Catolica and his brother Enrique the fourth. That Alcazar inspired Walt Disney for his film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Ok. You will visit the Segovia Cathedral. But you think that if you do not have enough time, you will skip the cathedral.

To go to the Alcazar from the Aqueduct, you have to pass in front of the Cathedral. You cannot miss it. With this monument, they took special care to build it so that there were no buildings attached to it that could hide its splendor.

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The Segovia Cathedral. View from the outside.

Any time of day and night is good to visit. If you are lucky enough to see it on a sunny day when the sun is setting, the cathedral itself builds shadows on the main square is a very, very special moment.

It is also when it gets dark. Artificial lighting makes the Cathedral something beautiful. In both cases, it will be an image that you cannot forget.

That is the experience from the  outside. If you go and enter the Cathedral, from the outside it seemed large and from the inside, it seems immense.

Segovia Cathedral, seen from inside.

in our Segovia wine tour it is worth going through all the chapels around you. Each with its own story. Some with some paintings and spectacular sculptures.

But the best is yet to be seen. You might think that having seen one you have seen them all. And you will be wrong.

the first thing you see is their remarkable Stained glass windows.

You should not miss the Retablo del Santo Entierro, the work of Juan de Juni (1571). Chapel of La Piedad Cathedral of Segovia.

Ascent to the Bell Tower.

In this Cathedral, there is a hidden treasure that is the ascent to the bell tower.

You have to climb a lot of steps. Halfway there is a stop that makes the climb more bearable. There is a room where they show a spectacular light and sound show. It lasts about 10 minutes. Just seeing that is worth it.

After that pause, it is time to continue climbing until we reach the bell house. The ringer (Campanero) lived with his family there as if he were Robinson Crusoe, He even had some cattle as if he lived in the country.

The relationship of the family of the ringer with the rest of the city was highly peculiar. How they contacted him is also unique. There is a big stone outside that they hit from below. That stone made the function of a bell nowadays.

And finally, you climb the bell tower. You see a city at your feet, completely different from the one you had visited, maybe half an hour before.

The view is sensational. And the bells, of different sizes, each with a different, impressive history.

In this video, you will see the visit to Bodegas PradoRey and then to Segovia (min 4,45)

Night visit

In the summer months, they make a night visit that starts at 9.30 pm, and possibly the view is even more amazing than the day because of the effect of the lights that illuminate the cathedral and the attractiveness of the city at night.

So if they tell you about skipping the Segovia Cathedral, resist doing it because you will get lost if you make it an unforgettable experience.

If you stay in Segovia at night to enjoy a beautiful sunset landscape from the Parador. Do you know what the Paradores Spain is?

Segovia is one of the places we feel comfortable bringing our visitors as it allows us to combine wine and history

You can visit Segovia with us in our… Segovia Wine Tour

Written by

Ignacio Segovia

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