10 Hours
Aprox. duration
Wine tasting
Meals included in price
English, French, Spanish
Tour to Cordoba
Tour to Cordoba
PersonsPrice (Fast Speed-train included)
2405 € (per person)
3 – 4375 € (per person)
+4Check Availability (send email to info@winebus.es)

(Small group guaranteed)

Cordoba day trip from Madrid

What you will find on the tour to Córdoba: 

Coming to Spain is like going to Rome and not visiting the Vatican. It’s unforgivable.

Córdoba is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Why visit Córdoba?

The most powerful man in the world lived in Córdoba. He ordered a palace to be built with such luxury that he would not have to say that but rather his visitors would be the ones to recognize him.

We propose making a whirlwind visit to Córdoba from Madrid.

To do this you have to get up very, very early.

This would be the program: 

7:30 a.m.: Departure from Atocha on the High-Speed AVE train,

10:30 a.m. Visit of Medina Azahara

1:30 p.m. End of the visit to Medina Azahara.

2:00 p.m. Lunch in a restaurant near the Jewish Quarter

3:45 p.m. Visit to the Mosque, the Alcázar and the Synagogue.

8 pm Departure to Madrid by AVE Córdoba Madrid.

10 p.m. Arrival in Madrid Atocha.

What to see in Córdoba

Córdoba, like Seville, is a city rich in history and culture, with a variety of impressive places to visit.

Here are some suggestions on what to see in Córdoba:

  • The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba: This impressive building combines elements of Islamic and Christian architecture and is one of the most emblematic sites in Spain. Its forest of columns and horseshoe arches is impressive, as is the mihrab and the impressive Renaissance choir inside.
  • The Alcázar of the Christian Kings: This fortified palace was built in the 14th century and houses beautiful gardens, patios and swimming pools. It also has a watchtower with panoramic views of the city.
  • The Roman Bridge: This ancient bridge over the Guadalquivir River is one of the oldest structures in the city and offers excellent views of the Mosque-Cathedral and the old town of Córdoba.
  • La Judería: This charming medieval neighborhood is full of narrow cobblestone streets, flowery patios and whitewashed houses. It is the perfect place to get lost and enjoy the unique atmosphere of Córdoba.
    La Calleja de las Flores:
  • This picturesque alley is famous for its whitewashed houses, flower pots and views of the Mosque-Cathedral tower. It is one of the most photographed corners of the city.
    The Viana Palace: This Renaissance palace has an impressive collection of patios and gardens, each with its own style and unique decoration.
  • The Synagogue of Córdoba: This medieval synagogue is one of the few that have survived in Spain and presents an interesting combination of Islamic and Jewish architectural styles.
    Mercado Victoria: This gastronomic market is the perfect place to try delicious Cordoba cuisine, which includes dishes such as salmorejo, flamenquín, and oxtail.

These are just some of the many attractions that Córdoba has to offer. The city is also known for its patio festival, unique cuisine, and rich history, so I recommend exploring these aspects during your visit as well.


The tour Program

  • Depart from Madrid
  • Lunch.
  • Activity in the afternoon
  • Depart to Madrid.



  • Wine tasting
  • Entrance fees
  • All activities
  • Small group tour
  • Transport by fast speed train
  • Local Professional Guide


  • Food and drinks, unless specified
  • Lunch
  • Gratuities (Recommended)

Additional info 

  • Minimum drinking age is 18 years
  • Dress code is smart casual
  • May be operated by a bilingual guide (Spanish and English)
  • Not wheelchair accessible

Tour a Córdoba